
The Pearls of the Bible. Scripture Passages Every Christian Needs to Know

The Pearls of the Bible. Scripture Passages Every Christian Needs to Know
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The Pearls of the Bible. Scripture Passages Every Christian Needs to Know
Авторы Алексей Коломийцев
Издательство The Lockman Foundation

One of the advantages of using a hard copy of the Bible in the age of technology is that over years of use, thanks to visual memory, it becomes very dear and familiar to us. We remember where verses, which have touched our hearts, are located on a page. We make notes…
It is very important for every one of us to think Biblically. Undoubtedly, all of Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, every text is important and without it the revelation of God would be incomplete. But it rather difficult to memorize the whole Bible and not forget it over time. This is why there is substantial profit in knowing by heart at least several texts of Scripture, which have the greatest practical significance. It is impossible to learn to do this without knowing specific texts of scripture, which are necessary in one or another situation in life.
The format of the book allows you to keep it in a Bible of a standard medium or large size. The quality of the paper makes it easy to highlight and mark the words to improve memorization. Also, the article in this little booklet will guide you in how to make the process of learning effective and useful.

Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®,
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973,
1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
Used by permission. (www.Lockman.org)

  • Код товара: 310-244